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MEAN Stack Training at Logicrays Academy

To build an application in today’s digital era and that too from the scratch you need a software stack that is both standardized and consistent.There are a number of stack options available. Each stack has its own benefits and downsides and is geared for different projects. There is no one-size-fits-all stack for development.

MEAN is an open source web stack that is specifically used to build scalable web and mobile applications optimized for cloud deployment.Developers benefit a lot from using MEAN Stack as they build web applications with only a single language i.e JavaScript.

By enrolling in this MEAN Stack training program at Ahmedabad - LogicRays Academy , you can lay a solid foundation for all the core components of MEAN, plus gain proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. In addition, you will work on the MEAN Stack project that will help you evaluate your skills and knowledge to solve real-world business problems.

What is MEAN Stack?

MEAN Stack is a collection of JavaScript technologies used to develop web applications. MEAN is a user-friendly and full-stack development toolkit used to build fast and robust dynamic web applications. MEAN is largely used for cloud-ready applications.
MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular and Node.js.

  1. MongoDB is a schemaless NoSQL database system
  2. Express JS is a NodeJS framework used to build web applications in Node
  3. Angular is a JavaScript frontend framework developed by Google
  4. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment to use javascript server-side.
Why You Need to Learn MEAN Stack?

MEAN Stack Developer course at Logicrays Academy will allow you to learn how to create full-stack web applications using the front-end and back-end JavaScript technologies. In this MEAN Stack training in Ahmedabad - LogicRays Academy, You will learn top skills such as MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js (“MEAN”), including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build and deploy interactive applications and services throughout this Full Stack MEAN Developer program.

Standardizing on JavaScript provides an opportunity to reuse code across the entire application, reducing unnecessary reinvention.

High performance
Flexibility and Scalability
Highly Extensible
and Maintainable
Rapid Development
of Applications
Why you should register at LogicRays Academy for learning MEAN Stack course in Ahmedabad?
  • MEAN is full stack javascript. Leverage JavaScript’s popularity
  • Helps you to avoid unnecessary groundwork and keeps your application well organized
  • Build an end-to-end application with exciting features and test it
  • Hands-on experience working on real-world projects
  • Get benefit of job placement assistance

For any questions, you can contact us or visit LogicRays Academy center.

MEAN Stack Course Details
  • Basic Knowledge of JavaScript and OOPS
  • Basic knowledge of sql
  • Introduction to NoSQL Database
    1. What is NoSQL?
    2. Difference between NoSQL and RDBMS
    3. Benefits of NoSQL
    4. Document Oriented vs. Other types of Storage
  • Introduction & Installation of MongoDB
    1. Introduction to MongoDB
    2. Design Goals
    3. Data Types
    4. JSON Introduction
    5. JSON Structure
    6. Installing MongoDB
    7. Data Modeling
    8. Create Database
    9. Drop Database
  • MongoDB Collection
    1. Introduction to Collection
    2. Collection Vs Tables
    3. Create Collection
    4. Drop Collection
    5. Case Sensitivity in MongoDB
  • CRUD Operations in MongoDB
    1. Introduction to document
    2. Insert document
    3. Querying Document
    4. Updating Document
    5. Deleting Document
  • MongoDB Operator
    1. Query and Projection Operators
    2. Comparison Operator
    3. Logical Operator
    4. Element Operator
    5. Evaluation Operator
    6. MongoDB limit()
    7. MongoDB sort()
    8. Querying Arrays
    9. Querying Embedded Documents
    10. Cursor
  • Aggregation in MongoDB
    1. Introduction to Aggregation Pipeline
    2. $match
    3. $project
    4. Arithmetic Expression Operators
    5. Boolean Expression Operators
    6. String Expression Operators
    7. Date Expression Operators
    8. Array Expression Operators
    9. Conditional Expression Operators
    10. $AddFields
    11. Cursor Stages
    12. $group
    13. $bucket and $bucketAuto
    14. $facet
    15. $sortbyCount
    16. $limit and $sort
    17. $unwind
    18. $out
    19. variables in aggregation expressions
  • MongoDB Atlas
    1. Overview
    2. Configuration
    3. Connecting to mongoDB Atlas
  • Introduction to mongoose
    1. What is ORM/ODM
    2. Installing mongoose
    3. Connecting to mongodb from mongoose
  • Core concepts of Mongoose
    1. Understanding mongoose schemas and data types
    2. Working with Models
    3. Using modifiers in schema
    4. Validation of model data
    5. CRUD operations with Mongoose
  • Introduction to ExpressJS
    1. What is express
    2. Installing express
    3. creating an express application
    4. configuring routes
    5. Add middlewares
    6. Request Object
    7. Response Objects
  • Template Engines
    1. What are template engines
    2. Installing Template Engine
    3. jade/ Handlebar/ ejs
  • Building an Express App
    1. Create an express app using express-generator
    2. MVC pattern
    3. Generating HTML view with templating engine
    4. Handling form data
    5. Error Handling
    6. Add static files (JS / CSS)
    7. Setting up Router
    8. Route parameters and queries
    9. Working with Middlewares
    10. Posting data
    11. Modifying data through PUT requests
    12. Handling GET requests returning JSON
  • RESTful API
    1. What is RESTful mean
    2. REST Architecture
    3. HTTP methods
    4. HTTP response
    5. Creating RESTful APIs
    6. Testing REST APIs
    7. POSTMAN Tool
  • Securing APIs
    1. Json Web Token(JWT)
    2. Authentication vs Authorization
    3. Building Secure Web API's with Express
  • Typescript
    1. Introduction
      1. What is TypeScript?
      2. Benefits of TypeScript
      3. Setup the Environment
      4. First TypeScript Example
      5. Adding watch to TS File
      6. JavaScript & Typescript
    2. TypeScript Data Types and Variables
      1. Primitive types & type inference
      2. Object type & type inference
      3. Enums, Tuples
      4. Nullable types
      5. Union types, intersection types
      6. Never and void types
    3. OOPS in typescript
      1. Classes, Class properties, Static Properties
      2. Constructors, getters & setters
      3. Inheritance, Abstract classes, interface
  • AngularJS Introduction and Environment Setup
    1. Introduction to Angular Framework, History & Overview
    2. Library vs. Framework
    3. Architecture of Angular Apps
    4. Angular CLI, Installing Angular CLI
    5. NPM commands & package.json
    6. Bootstrapping Angular App, Components, AppModule
    7. Project Setup, Editor Environments
    8. First Angular App & Directory Structure
  • Components in Angular
    1. Component Basics
    2. Setting up the templates
    3. Creating Components using CLI
    4. Nesting Components
    5. Understanding Component Lifecycle Hooks
  • Data Binding
    1. Property Binding and String Interpolation
    2. Event Binding
    3. Two-way data binding
    4. Input Properties, Output Properties, Passing Event Data
  • Component Communication & Content Projection
    1. Parent to Child
    2. Child to Parent
    3. Event Emitter
    4. Single,multiple,conditional content projection
  • Templates, Styles & Directives
    1. Template, Styles adding bootstrap to angular app
    2. Built-in Directives
    3. Creating Attribute Directive
    4. Building Structural Directives
  • Pipes
    1. Why pipes are useful
    2. Parametrized Pipes
    3. Chaining Multiple Pipes
    4. Creating a Custom Pipe
    5. Creating a Filter Pipe
    6. Pure and Impure Pipes (or: How to "fix" the Filter Pipe)
    7. Understanding the "async" Pipe
  • Angular Forms
    1. Form Creation using Template Driven
    2. Form creation using Reactive Form
    3. Form validation in Form
    4. Custom Validator
  • Services & Dependency Injection
    1. Services
    2. Dependency Injections
    3. Creating Data Service
    4. Understanding Hierarchical Injector
    5. Services for Cross Component Communication
    6. Injection Tokens
  • Http Requests
    1. App & Backend Setup
    2. Sending POST Requests
    3. Sending GET Requests
    4. Sending a PUT Request
    5. Catching Http Errors
    6. Working with JSON Data
  • Routing
    1. Introduction to Routing
    2. Configuring & Navigating
    3. Parameterized routes
  • Authentication and Route Protection
    1. How Authentication works in SPA
    2. JWT Module
    3. JSON Web Tokens
    4. Signup, Login and logout application
    5. Router Protection, Route Guards
    6. CanActivate interface
    7. Checking and using Authentication Status
    8. Router Protection and Redirection
  • Introduction to NodeJS
    1. What is NodeJS
    2. Advantages of NodeJS
    3. JavaScript vs NodeJS
    4. Introduction to Asynchronous Programming
    5. Event Loop
    6. Event Driven Architecture
  • Nodejs Basics
    1. Downloading and installing NodeJS
    2. Create a simple node application
    3. Working in REPL
    4. NodeJS console
    5. Nodemon
  • NodeJS Modules
    1. Function
    2. What is Module
    3. Core Module
    4. Local Module
    5. Third Party Module
    6. Module exports and require function
  • Node Package Manager
    1. What is NPM
    2. package.json and package-lock.json files
    3. Installing Packages Locally
    4. Installing Packages Globally
    5. Adding dependency in package.json
    6. Updating packages
  • File System
    1. reading a file sync and async
    2. writing to file sync and async
    3. append file
    4. opening a file
    5. deleting a file
    6. other IO operations
  • Creating Web Server
    1. Creating a Web Server
    2. HTTP Protocol
    3. When to use HTTP and HTTPs
    4. server port and listening
    5. Http requests and response
    6. Request and response headers and body
    7. Building a simple HTTP server with static files
    8. Send mail from local server
  • Utility Modules
    1. OS module
    2. Path module
    3. Net Module
    4. DNS Module
    5. Domain Module
  • Debugging NodeJS Application
    1. Core NodeJS Debugger
  • Realtime programming with Socket.io
  • Build an Ecommerce application using MEAN Stack (demonstrate actual usage of all technologies combined)
  • Collaborating with Git
    1. VCS & Git Repositories
    2. Staging Area & Commits
    3. Working with Branches Issues & Pull Requests
  • Deploy Application on Netlify/Vercel
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